Comments From Our Customers
EPROM+ Programming systemAutomotive KitsLocksmith Kit commentsCopy Machine commentsFirst generation microprocessorsProbes accutouch probe Precision Probe Set


I am writing to thank you for your excellent service and EPROM+ programming system. This unit is superior to the STAG unit I was using previously in all areas. It is a pleasure to use! Your delivery was right on time and you got me out of a real difficult situation.
Thanks again!"

Gary Knutson - Traction Products, Inc.

Hello, Thanks for your prompt reply. I did come across a solution which works fine. I love the product. I’m mainly going to be copying EEPROM chips, so it is a viable solution for my needs.
Again, thanks!

Robert A. - South Florida Water Management District

I am totally satisfied with your product and service.  The EPROM+ is an excellent product and a great value, but my complete satisfaction goes beyond the programmer.  Your quick followup with emails on my usage question and replacement manuals equals or surpasses any company out there.   My satisfaction with your product has helped my personal life in making homebrew Vectrex games for the classic console, and as a bonus in my professional life to upgrade KVM switching equipment.

Thanks for the programmer and the support!

Chris R.

"I have been an active electronics engineer for 15 years and in that time I have worked with a number of eprom programmers. I have found that the Eprom+ is fast, reliable, portable and inexpensive. It equals the other more expensive programmers in performance and it exceeds the others by being easy to use and easy on the pocket book! The key feature I used to decide on purchasing this unit was the freedom given by having schematics. After my previous programmer died, I found it more expensive to get the schematics or have it repaired than to buy the Eprom+. I've been using the Eprom+ for 2 years and the schematics are still collecting dust. Please give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done!"

Josh Bensadon, ADT Security Systems.

"All I can say is BRAVO. It was one thing when I thought that the "plus" in EPROM+ referred to the extra capabilities that were listed in the small magazine ad. It was really above and beyond though, when I realized that the "plus" referred to a level of service that I can only describe as "the best I've ever seen". My position routinely requires interaction with Fortune 500 companies. Every one of them could take a lesson from you. Thanks."

Jeffrey Schreiber - Cobane Corporation

"Taking a minute to thank you for your EPROM+ programming system. The system works great! With the supplied adapter it can support all our devices. Software easy to use! Good instructions too! Best price! Thanks again!

Kurt Lamoreaux - American Bristol Industries, Inc.

Just a quick note to let you know that my AR Eeprom programmer and software are operating flawlessly.

Thanks for your time,


"I can't tell you how much your system has helped me out. It's rock solid operation and bullet proof user interface make it really easy to use. It's been a lifesaver."

Steve Boisvert - Alternative Routing Technologies

"Just a quick note to inform you that the eprom programming system has arrived. It is working very well and I am quite pleased with my purchase."

Rod Egan - Sage Telecommunications Pty Ltd - Western Australia

TO: Andromeda Research

FROM: Bell & Howell Mail Processing Systems

I am sending this email to let you know that our service technicians have been utilizing your portable “EPROM+” programming system, model AR-32A, for over two years. Your system is one third the cost of the units we were using previously and far more portable. This alone has saved thousands of dollars in shipping costs and allowed us to place many more units into the field.

The simplicity of the operating program has saved us from doing any formal training and only occasionally do our technicians call with questions. Your excellent support concerning the enhancement to your software is a testimony of what responding to a customer’s needs is all about. What you provide is customer satisfaction to the fullest.

In consideration of our own customer satisfaction policy, your system has allowed us to significantly decrease the down time of our equipment when performing field change updates. It also makes new installations a breeze. This is a critical issue for many of our customers due to critical mailing schedules.

It has been a pleasure working with your company and I look forward to continuing this association.


Michael Ayers, Senior Support Engineer, Bell+Howell Mail Processing Systems, Worldwide Technical Support

Hello, I purchased your EPROM+ system a little over a month ago and had a problem finding the Motorola chip I needed in order to build the PIC adapter. I called and never received a call/email back and was a bit disappointed. I emailed and received a prompt apology and even an offer to send me the chip free. Anyhow, I just wanted to follow up and let you know I got the PIC adapter assembled and all works great. I'm very pleased with my purchase and was very pleased with your follow up email support. Anyhow, just wanted to follow up after my last negative email to let you guys know that I am a satisfied customer and would recommend your product to others.

Thanks, Alan

Received via email from Alan Reeve, Marietta, GA

I have used the EPROM+ programmer now for a couple of years and I have to say: What a lifesaver it has been for me. Lightweight, robust, user friendly software (even better now with the latest release)! What else can I ask for? Right: I almost forgot. Whenever I had a technical question, there where no busy signals, no voice prompts, just a knowledgeable, understanding person who picked up the phone. Need a programmer? This is definitely my first pick!

Peter Schuerch - Staff Engineering Manager - Buhler, Inc. Minneapolis

Your EPROM+ programmer is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is refreshing to deal with a company who is helpful , courteous, and works with their customers. I have and will continue to recommend your product to anyone who is in the market for a programmer. Thanks for your support.

RW, Rocky Ridge, MD.

Thanks a million.. I appreciate the quick response and help. You’re the best.

Thank you

Joseph R.
It worked. This is the best customer service I have ever had for anything.

Matthew R.

I am very impressed with the Eprom+ Programmer it has worked flawlessly for me, and was extremely easy to set up. In my 14 years experience as an Avionics Technician this is the best product I have used.

T.J. McCorriston

I received the programmer last week and it works fine. I am very impressed with your service. The delivery of your product was fast, thank you for everything.

Alex Rizi

I'd like to thank you and your company for putting out the extra effort to ship EPROM FIELD KIT to me very quickly. Not only did it arrive the next day, it worked very well. I appreciate you staying late to get my order to UPS. I don't see that kind opf commitment from businesses very often any more. It was a pleasure doing business with you!

I also appreciate the hard copy of your manual and especially it's easy to understand format. You did a nice job on it.


Mike S. - Enginnering Consultant

Hi. I just wanted to thank you and your technicians for all the help you gave me in my attempts to make copies of a legacy EEPROM. The EPROM+ programmer worked like a charm as did the PLCC adapter that you guys stayed late to make for me. It took me less than 10 minutes this morning to set things up, read in the old device, make a copy and try it in our target system. Everything worked perfectly and our customer will receive their product tomorrow.

Again, I would like to thank you for going the extra mile for us and getting both the programmer and the adapter to us so quickly - it's not often that we see that kind of service any more.

Greg Arends - Saracon / S_gear designs

The EPROM+ has been a life saver. It is so easy to pull information off programmed chips and save it to to a file and then create replacement chips when necessary. It has saved us so much time and money that we used to spend talking to product manufacturers who would never give any help anyway. The smooth operation of your system has made my job so much easier.

Thanks and keep up the good work.


I want to say I think you have a great product and very easy to use as I am a absolute neophyte with such things. Talk about support, I called last saturday and someone answered my call and gave me some very valuable assistance. My question involved some older types of 27C64 chips that required a higher programming voltage. I wouldn't have known what to do if it wasn't for your assistance. Thanks again for your help.

Bob Abowitz, K.C. Microcomputer Services Tehachapi, California

I received the Eprom+ system about a month ago and it has done everything I hoped it would do and more. Even though I bought the tutorial program and flash eprom I have not used it yet. I have been able to copy, save and modify eproms within hours of having the device installed. That's pretty impressive (to me) considering that I have never done this before. My Japanese friend who owns a race shop was stunned because my eprom burner does more than his and mine costs $700 less! One of these days I'll find the time to use the tutorial program and learn the rest of the abilities of the Eprom+.

Thanks, everything you promised I could do with the EPROM+ has been accomplished.

D. Novak

Thank you for the quick response, I look forward to using the software. I only wish other companies would treat their customers with the generous follow-up and post sales support you have met my query with.  I feel like I have a friend who works at ARLabs. Certainly, I will recommend your  products and web site whenever the opportunity is present.

Thanks again, and regards.

J. Whitman, New York

Hello, This email is to express my appreciation for the excellent Tech Support offered by Andromeda Research Labs. After experiencing an issue with an EPROM file procured from a vendor, your tech support person assisted us with a professional and timely resolution, plus offered an educational explaination in regards to the problem with the formatting of the file. This level of Tech Support is all too rare in my experience, and deserves to be recognized.

Andromeda Research Labs, their Tech Support and equipment are highly recommended.

Jim Turner,

Better Quality Business Systems,   Jeffersonville, IN

I recently purchased an EPROM+ programmer from your company and have to say that I'm very pleased with the quality and versatility of this unit.

Thank you very much.

Rick Hernandez

We received the EPROM+ from our customs agents this morning thanks.We have had it doing some work already, and we are very pleased with it.

Best Regards,

John Russell,
RUSCOOL Electronics Ltd.
New Zealand

Hello.  We are now using the EPROM field kit and we find it very useful in our operation.  We are distributors of an inkjet printer that is microprocessor based.  The printer has various models but only have a common CPU board.  The difference is only on the software.  We can now put less CPU boards on stock but can be flexible with different models because of the EPROM field kit.

Best regards,

Alfonso Arceo, Jr.

Hi. I just received my AR-32A and it's a very nice product.  I've reclaimed a failed motherboard already.


Arnold Kedy

Hi, I bought model AR 32A several years ago. I've been very happy with this unit and it's listed as one of my BEST pieces of electronics equipment.


David De Vera(Customer)

I would like to thank you so much for the help you offered me over the phone yesterday. I was trying to copy multiple copies of a device model 27C010 without success. I have your EPROM+ system (Model AR-32A) with the APLCC32/32 adapter. The software is version 5.9. I am using my HP notebook with Windows XP home Edition. After using your advice by changing the system mode setting it worked perfectly.

So thanks so much for your help. I hope that we can develop our business relation more and more.


Khalid Wadhaifi
International Turnkey Systems
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dear AR Labs

A while back we purchased a 42 pin EPROM adapter (part# A42PE) so that we could program larger devices such as a M27C800. We use your burner all the time. It has been a huge asset to our organization.

Dan Payne
Field Service Manager
Dahill Industries Inc.

As the chair of a small ECE department, I look for engineering tools that are easy to learn and to use, are effective, and are low cost.  I found the EPROM+ to fit the bill - not only was I able to use it right out of the box, but with a minimum of tutoring on my part my students have found it to be easy as well.  The faculty has a wide ranges of uses for this system, ranging from teaching freshmen how to burn ROM chips to programming embedded controllers for use in our research.  I really appreciate this product.

Jack Adams,
Chair, Merrimack College ECE Department

I have your EPROM+ programming system, and let me tell you: I'm very satisfied; It's a great product.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for your professionalism and your prompt response, I really appreciate it. I'll recommend strongly your product to whoever wants to buy an Eprom programmer with excellent technical support.

Thanks again.

Serge O.


Do you have the bipolar prom adapter for the 82SXXX in stock?

I have had one of your programmers for a number of years and have been quite
pleased with it.  I now find I have a requirements for bipolar proms.

Thanks very much.


Gordon Ichikawa
T&K Comm Sys Inc / GRI Telecom Inc


This is Devin Novak again. About a year and a half ago I purchased a Eprom+ kit and it worked wonders for me. I knew nothing about programming at the time and this awesome device has taught me everything. I love it.

I really like this device and will continue using it. It has been though a lot and done a lot of work for me.

Thank you and thank you for the great product.

Best Regards,

Devin Novak

Hello, I purchased the Eprom + and it's working great.

Route 66 Studios

Just a quick note to let you know that you were right that toshiba notebooks are notorious for all kinds of "lousy" operations.   I fixed the problem based on your help.  I also checked with the other dept. and they fixed theirs also.  All is well regarding any fault with your device.
Thanks for your rapid response.....and by the way........the rom burner is awesome.

Mike B.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how extremely I am with my 32A unit.  I bought this unit for one specific project.  Upon completion, I didn't really have any other application for it.  (I even tried to sell it once at a "ham-fest" - boy am I glad that it didn't sell.)   Last night I was repairing a Dranetz 646 Disturbance Monitor with a version 1.4 BIOS (My other unit has a version 1.9). The manufacturer of the machine wanted $1900.00 flat rate to repair it and/or update it (ABSURD!! But, they also wanted $300 for new plastic carrying handle...) so I did the job myself. I needed to update the bios, and since it was an older chip I figured that the 32A would do the trick.  I went out to my barn, which is not well enclosed, and rooted through weather-damaged cardboard boxes until I found my 32A and Prom Eraser, both of which had been sitting out there for no less than 3 years.   Thanks to your superior quality product, and the protection of the carrying case, that unit still works perfectly.  I found the software on your web site in seconds, and had it set up and working again in under 10 minutes.   Now here is the other part of the story - Two years ago I needed to program a special bios chip.  I thought the 32A was long lost, and anyways I thought that it couldn't possibly handle the newer chips, so I bought another unit from a different company.  It was not adequate for the job at hand, would not support the device that I needed to work with, and was much harder to work with than your product.  I sent it back, and after 5 months of calling them I actually got a refund. When I bought the 32A, I scarcely realized the tremendous value of the investment I had made.  I am totally impressed with this product and its continuing ability to handle newer packages.   Now that I have been "re-united" with my 32A, I see from your site that this unit would have handled that job and others.  I am absolutely stunned at the quality and value of this unit.

Thank you, God bless you, and good luck.

Jay Nickerson

Everything seems to be ok!! I have put an adapter that converts the 220v to 110v and it's ok!!

Thanks for the support. The manual and the programmer are very good. I am very
happy with what i have. Also it was very easy for me to learn "how to use it".

Thank you very much.
Now i have to find how to understund all this bytes and make my own program.

Best Regards,
Athens, GREECE

Dear sir,
I vould like to thank you for a very good eprom programing product. So far we have expiriencing an exelent results with your product. We found your eprom programing much more officient than any other product which cost lot more money. Very frendly and easy to use.
One more time I vould like to thank you for an exellent programing.

Jimmy from Canada


I would like to tell you that I have just repaired one of our company’s taxi meters using your EPROM+ Programmer.

Your  EPROM+ Programmer is a great product and most importantly your tech support has been invaluable.

Thanks again.

President - Tech-Navigator Inc.
Miami, Florida

Hi. I received my programmer last week. I just got finished using it and it works flawlessly.
This will turn out to be well worth the investment. Can't thank you enough for the help and support you've given.


Lee D.
VP Service
United Business Systems

Hello, I currently own a Model AR-32a Eprom+ Programmer which I had purchased about 6 years ago.
I enjoy the device and have nothing but good to say about it. Thanks for making a programmer that is good enough
for the daily needs of most small R&D outfits and affordable enough for the occasional hobbyist like myself.


Emanuel V.

Hi there,

I bought an EPROM+ from you a couple of years ago and have been very happy with it - Thanks.

Kind Regards

Adrian Rollin
Printer Medix Ltd

Specialists in Xerox/Tektronix Printers
Authorised Xerox/Tektronix Select Reseller


I have a AR-32A programming unit that has been working really well.

Thank You,
Wayne W.

Dear Andromeda Research Labs,

I am writing to commend you on your AR-32A programming unit. I purchased this unit over 4 years ago and it has worked perfectly ever since.

Over the course of our work, it is necessary to make programming changes in the field. We have found that the AR-32A is perfect in fulfilling this role. The case is very sturdy as it has been put under great demand since we pack it with all of our other tools and equipment when we travel.

The unit is easy to set up and connect to our laptop and allows us to make changes anywhere, especially right on the job site.

Congratulations on making such a fine product.


Peter I Rutkowski
Consulting Engineer
Scott Instruments/Tyco

Hi Andromeda Research,

I have performed the upgrade on my early model AR-32A as described in your last email.
The version 5 software is now running fine with the unit. The new softwares extended device support means I don't have to go to the expense of replacing the unit. The unit should now support my needs well into the future. The AR-32a is a first class programmer and your companies back up and level of support is second to none. This upgrade has made a great unit even better than it was.

Thank you.

Len Askevold
Western Australia

P.S. My colleagues borrow the AR-32a when they have problems programming certain devices with their more expensive units.
The AR-32a does the job and gets them out of trouble every time. Thanks again.


I have had your EPROM+ Programming System several years now and I love it.

Thank you.

Joel Brier

I bought an EPROM+ a few months ago. The EPROM+ works VERY well.  Works perfectly every time.  It copies the old Kurzweil 1000 sound chips perfectly every time.  I program the data to OTP - 27C040 chips. Here is a picture of the chips lined up in parallel. the area marked 'Sound ROM chips'.


David B,
Raleigh NC

Hi,   I´m a brazilian user of the AR-32A.
Thanks and congratulations for the programmer.


Your product is superb.  It never fails to read or write in one pass.

Thanks. David B.
Raleigh North Carolina   

PS...your products, coupled with your knowledge have helped me reach several project milestones. I really appreciate your time.

Frank R.

Dear Andromeda Research,
Thanks to your excellent support, my EPROM+ has been working without problems during more than five years.

Best regards,

Just a line to thank you for your help and to let you know the EPROM+ with the ACOM1 adapter has done exactly what I wanted.

Many Thanks,
Mark M.
United Kingdom

I've had the AR-32A EPROM+ programming system 5 year ago from you. It is an excellent system and I love it.

T. Nguyen

Dear Andromeda Research,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. You have solved my problem! I wish I had contacted you sooner.
Looking forward to working with other microcontroller families (PIC, Atmel) soon.

Thanks for a great product and excellent support.


Dear Andromeda Research,

Thank you!  I am up and running again!
You are a life saver! Have a great day!

Willson Molding Corp

Thank you so much for the very best support from any corporation that I have ever dealt with.I always get someone live to answer the phone and always have my problems resolved. I have been a customer of yours for at least 10 years and plan on upgrading my programmers as you develop new products.

Thank you again for your excellent customer service.


A sudden need came up for me to leave the office to program some EPROMS.  I grabbed the "technician shared" laptop and loaded your application on it.  As soon as the laptop failed to recognize my trusty programmer, I sought to tweak the interface…thinking the problem might be in some laptop setting.  After only a few minutes, it occurred to me to check the application subdirectory.  There, I found your MOST HELPFUL that explained all about the "different" XP issues that reside on some Dell Laptops.  The two utilities you provided awoke the interface and I was on my way.

Thanks for thinking to put that information in with your application.

John Fleetwood
Contract Video Specialists, Inc.

Thank you for an excellent product.


Rob H.
Robs Creative Calibrations

I got the programmer and eraser late yesterday afternoon.  By this morning I have read, edited and reprogrammed all three EPROMs in the 
instrument I was working on.  Even better, the project cost half what the manufacturer of the instrument wanted to charge me for 
replacement EPROMs.

Steve S.
OSU Radiation Center


I recently purchased an AR32a programmer from a private party. Even though I did not purchase the AR32a directly from your company, I did just order a programming adapter and one of the bare boards from you and will be ordering other adapters from your company as the need arises.

I've only just started using the AR32a but I already love it and I can't imagine finding a better unit at any price.  The software is outstanding.


Doug E.
I currently use and recommend a very inexpensive programmer from a company called Andromeda Research Labs. Besides being economical, its unit has the advantage of connecting to a PC via the parallel port for fast and easy data transfer of files between the PC and the programming unit. The unit is also portable and comes built into a convenient carrying case. It is operated by an included menu-driven program you install on the connected PC. The program contains several features, including a function that enables you to read the data from a chip and save it in a file on your system, as well as write a chip from a data file, verify that a chip matches a file and verify that a chip is blank before programming begins. A low-cost BIOS backup option makes backing up the flash bios chip in your system easy (if it is removable) as a safeguard against disaster."

Quote from the book "Upgrading and Repairing PC's" - Scott Mueller, Author


Thanks for the software update. I'm an ME who ended up working extensively in control systems (go figure), and I get a lot of enjoyment out of almost anything technical. I like finding simple (preferably elegant) solutions to complex problems, so I spend a lot of time researching seemingly useless topics and applying that information to everyday problems. You never can tell when a small bit of technical trivia may turn out to be useful... I've found that a good understanding of basic principles (and some "trivia") can be quite useful at 2am on a weekend with a line down.

Again, thank you for your help and be sure to have a merry Christmas! I have enjoyed your products and support over the years, and I wish you all the best for the coming year. God bless.

Tom Smith

Dear Sir
I have a couple of Andromeda programmers that I am very happy with.

Thank you


Dear Andromeda Research Labs,
Hi, I bought model AR 32A several years ago. I've been very happy with this.
Thanks for the reply. I programmed a different chip and it worked. Thanks for all of your help.
From Thailand ........
Thank You

My main PC has no more space to add anything, but where I want to use the programmer is actually in my workshop where my older PC was retired to that has since become defective. Not sure what the exact problem is, just that it no longer boots up and simply reports “BIOS not found”. I’m not a PC expert by any means but suspect the C drive has failed. Anyway, I hadn’t used the programmer for a while so the first thing I did was download the latest software of course and after reading that it no longer requires an operating system used the iso file to make a bootable CD which I then used to boot the defective PC and guess what? You are right! The CD can be used on ANY computer, even one that will no longer boot up windows so my problem is solved. Thanks for not only the best programmer for the price, but also the best software which allowed me to program the EEPROM I needed without delay and having to pressure my son to come asap to repair my workshop PC which can now be left until a much more convenient time for him.

Barry - VE6SBS

Kenneth Crosby's feedback to all purchasers of Andromeda products. This is my resent experience with the product unit AR 32A. I purchased this unit 08-17-99 for $333.00 including a charge of $12.00 for the adapter ASEREE2. I have the sales receipt still in the box. I used this unit one time with the EPROM+ Tutorial document. I then used the programing unit again in 1999 to creat a chip that I need for something I was trying to repair. I never touched the programmer again until 19 years later, 05-20-2018. It has been so long that I can't remember what I used the Programer for. I am a 57 year old Industrial Air Conditioning Mechanic working for Johnson Controls. I am not that smart and I don't have any experience with this programing unit other than using the unit once when I purchased it. I had an issue with a "larger motor" (2000 hp), "Motor Current Controller Module" made by McQuay, m/n IQ1000, in the Las Vegas Excalibur Casino. The 2000 hp water chiller unit not working was affecting the Casino Floor temperature. That is just what it takes to get your company contracts canceled and be thrown out based on non performance, so the pressure was very high on me to do something. The Motor control was built in 1988 and was no longer manufactured. I remembered that I had purchased the AR 32A Programer unit and figured why not try to use it again? I researched the solution to the obsolete chip Using the Help of Mark at Kiesub Electronics, in Las Vegas NV. and found a SRAM chip M4835Y-70PC1 chip to replace the obsolete part. I unsoldered the dying chip and placed it into the Programer after downloading the latest operating software into my Toshiba laptop. The software runs in a standard text environment. I was able to access the chip and move the information into a file and then the file data into the new chip successfully without re-reading or using the Tutorial again. Simply an amazingly easy interface software to use. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out how to use and do the process. I did not even know what I was doing.... After 19 years of not even thinking about this programing unit, I was able to pull it out and fix the problem I was having on one of my job sites because of how easy it is to use. I called the AMDROMEDA RESEARCH to speak with them and to my surprise the phone was picked up on the second ring. I told him that I appreciated his support of this product. I thought I was dreaming. But this is real power here in the AR 32A, to do what it does is amazing. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of toys to play with. I just had forgotten about this one. Just stop wasting time and money. Buy what you need from this company. If you don't believe this feedback go ahead and contact me. I will verify with you. No Company that I have ever worked for or dealt with has this type of product support and care for their customers.

High Reguards,
Kenneth Crosby

Found as a forum question post at  A website dedicated to Pro Audio

I've always liked using the incredibly versatile Andromeda Research unit. Cost for a full featured kit including full documentation is very reasonable. I've been using their system for 15 years and the support is excellent. For example I once had a non-working unit (bought off eBay) and their tech listened to my symptoms and then gave a few suggestions on the most likely troubleshooting steps. He was dead on and I easily repaired the system. Upgraded not too long ago from my old AR-32 to the new model and I couldn't be happier. The unit is easy to interface, is crazy fast, compatible with everything, and works with or w/o Windows. I've used these to backup many of my Roland & Yamaha EPROMS without incident, not to mention using them in a production environment where they also performed reliably.
Thank you for the help. Now everything works.Your programmer it's excellent.

Antonio C.

 I bought your programmer in 95. After other internet programmers, several computers and automobiles, yours is the only product that still works. Wish you made automobiles!


Dear customer support,

You are great! Following your professional procedures I discovered that the pcb connection between U15 pin 7 and U16 pin 15
was interrupted. I replace it by a small wire and now the programmer is fully functioning.
The 2716 programmed are now working perfectly on my Wandel Goltermann SPM-19 level meter.
I have no words to thanks you for your patience to assist me and solve my problem.
This circumstance made me learn a lot of things on my AR-32A. Of course now I will study more about digital circuits.

Many thanks again for all.

Best regards,

Ciao Renzo,

I got it to work! I found the software compare function, and with it found 3 bad PROM burns out of 11, I don’t know how they got corrupted – it said they copied fine.  I just erased them and reprogrammed. Anyhow, it was great to see my customer’s board boot up like new!  I am under the gun for it, and your product really pulled me through.

I think this is a great package, very efficient and well thought-out.  Pefect for me!

All the best,


Still loving this programmer after all these years.

Thank you.

Ron Hymes

This person requested our latest manual.

Perfect! I appreciate the fast response, and I'll do as you say. BTW great device. Almost time for another one.

Best regards,

Thanks for your help. It is all working great. The more I use your little machine, the more I am impressed with it.
I bought it to replace a Stag PP39 that got damaged by a lightning strike.


Hi. Got it today.
It fired right up on both computers.
I may call upon you for guidance from time to time.
Thanks again!

Hi, firstly very well made kit-well done! I have everything installed and working.

Alex, United Kingdom
Hi. Just letting you know the programmer kit arrived in excellent condition.
I did test the programmer and it works 100%. This is exactly what I need for my decoding jobs.
I will surely buy again from you if I need something.

Frank, The Netherlands
Hi People, Thanks for the excellent after sales service!
Having great success with your unit. So much so we are migrating away from using TOP2048.

Alex, Malaysia
Thank you gentlemen for your professionalism and prompt attention to my case.
 I frankly am very impressed to have received such attention on such a small matter.
 I was rather surprised that you’d solved the problem and the way it was all handled.
I look forward to receiving the adapter and giving it a try.

Thank you again,
Michael (Hard drive data recovery company)

I received the adapter and was frankly amazed....I only have to solder 1 chip onto the board now.
Also, I was able to eliminate de-soldering and transferal of the chip to another donor PCB as well!!!
I would gladly buy more adapters for other such chips later!
I would like to say that I’m very happy with the programmer.I am having issues connecting to some 25xxx parts when
resistors are in the way and would like to get a surface mounted probe set.

Thank you.
Hallo! I'm your customer, i wanna let you know that you unit it's really nice! And burned me lot of eprom! Now i have a videogame board that need a atmel
24c04 , serial eprom, so please since my funds are not too much, since i'm at high school, please it's possible to have schematics of the adapter?
I think that these was on the instruction manual ,but my mom tossed it in the dump! :( Is it possible to have a digital copy (pdf) so i can print?

Thank you so much and hope i do not disturb you.

Antonio Criscuolo, Italy

NOTE: A new .pdf manual was emailed to Antonio
Can I purchase a replacement software disc? My computer destroyed the last disc. I know the driver is downloadable, but don't always have Internet access at one of my remote locations. Great Product.

(received after emailing .iso file to make a CD)
Perfect solution. Thanks for your help. What an awesome product.

Programmer Arrived safe & sound yesterday (only four days!). Works like a charm.
And my two-year old son enjoyed playing with the foam packaging!


Brett, Australia

Looking for some adapters for a AR32A I have and probably need to order another 32 pin PLCC adapter (for 29Fxxx devices).
While I'm on the subject I've had this ar32 for years now, so kudos on making a product that just works!



We used to own one of these but since no longer works. It is 8 years old and we have decided we want to purchase a new one because it is a great product.

Thanks for your time. 
Once again, great support! You can quote me on that. I took an old PIC board that I designed and no longer use and glued it to a 28 pin socket, ran 5 wires to an 8 pin socket and now I have a special purpose 10F2xx "in circuit programming" adapter with a socket.
It works great.
I'd send you a photo but it really looks bad! LOLOL!

73 Robert
My programming unit is already working..!
Thanks for your support.

Auricio R.

Hi there, got here and is working great!!!


Jonathan G.
Hello, I purchased the following from you last year and have been very impressed with it. It has as done exactly what I needed it to do.
EPROM+ programming system & ASEREE2 adapter & SMCP8 combination probe set and clip. I have recently using it more and more
and I have the additional requirement of needing to read and write/clone 29f400 chips. Could you advise me what addition equipment
I need to perform these tasks successfully.


I just purchased a programmer, it works great.


Tom, Interbay Enterprises Inc.
Evening. I can't wait to play with this new in-circuit adapter.
Thanks again, its always a pleasure to deal with your company.
You always have the time to help with an issue.

Thanks very much. You guys are a class act.

Project Manager, Innovative Solutions Unlimited, LLC

Hi, I have your Model AR-32A. Still works great!

Kip S.
Hi, I bought one of your programmers in 1998 and liked it so much a year later I bought another as a backup unit.
Your excellent documentation allowed me to easily repair one of them in 2005. I continue to recommend your company
to my ham radio and engineering friends.

Thanks for your help with hooking up the eprom field kit. I look forward to the updated information.
I love your tool and I tell all the office in my region it is cheaper to buy one than to fly me in.
Hope this help you sell more.


John G., Schindler Elevator
Good Morning,
I have been using my AR-32A now for several years. I am very satisfied.

Best Regards,

Jeffrey S., CNC Solutions, Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Hi. Man this programmer is the best; nothing out there compares.

Thanks and happy holidays,

Louie, NY

Problem solved. I selected the range of 3 volts and it works perfectly. I do not understand what happened. Thank you very much for your invaluable help.

Best regards,
Juan C.

We have for some years been using your equipment and it has worked really great.
The equipment we are using is:
Programming unit – AR-32A
Adapter – ASERSM1A

Many thanks!
Anton R.

Very nice that you made a bootable drive.
Got the unit connected and running.

Thank you,
Okjin S.

Hi: I have had an AR-32 that was upgraded to a + more years ago than I wish to acknowledge. Great system.


Jeff Young

Sir/ Madam,
It has been an absolute pleasure working with your customer service representative. Recently we purchased a chip burner and his customer service in our support needs is second to none. As a world wide company, I deal with vendors from all corners and it is very rare that I find customer service as wonderful as yours.

Thank you again for your excellent support.

Schindler Elevator

Just an update for you. I’m absolutely loving this programmer!!! :D In fact, I’m not sure which I love the most, this programmer or my little Tektronix tm500 series SC504 oscilloscope!! I have a few tek tm500 instruments and the oscilloscope is just the sweetest instrument I have ever owned – but your programmer is in hot contention!! The programmer has highlighted a few dodgy u555 chips on this computer board I’m working on which is from a German built Perfecta PMC 115 model guillotine [paper cutter] – may even be from the former East Germany I think?? In any event – love it!!



As us southerners like to say, I've used that programmer more times than you can shake a stick at Used it since around 96. Very good product!

Cumberland Two Way Communications

Good morning I would like to this opportunity to say thank you to your customer support team. This team provides the utmost information/support one can ask for. In today’s society, we don’t find this quality in people very often.

Thanks Rick F.
Mechanic Supervisor | Canteen Vending

Hello, Its a long time we have speaking. I was wondering if there is a new update for andromeda research ? We are still using the 6.0 release B . Can you send me a new update link? We are still happy to use your tool.

Hassan B.

Result: Update link sent

It makes perfect sense now. I wasn’t looking at the address. I’ve got to tell you you have the best customer support out there.



Hi .. my name is Mario . I bought your programmer a few years ago , I’m extremely happy with your programmer and the performance and ease of use.

Thank you .

Hello ARLABS, I wish to present this to you in thanks. I thank you for making a product available that is simple to understand and easy to use. In addition to the product there is ample amount of printed data and tutorial information included. I have had my product for more than two years. I have called support several times over that period to get technical information on chip identification and keep up with new accessories development and free software updates. Each time I call and speak with someone I receive exemplary support so that I can complete my task with success. It is wonderful for me to have such great information. Tech support has never been too busy to walk me through procedures and increase my knowledge base. Your products and service exceed any expectation. I hope I can only mirror your example of fine communication, kindness, patience and education.

Thank you for being there.

I tried repeatedly to find a product that would serve my needs for EPROM programming and could not find anything at a reasonable price anywhere in the world. The few that I found cost in excess of $5,000. Then I found and their EPROM+ Programming System. Not only did I receive a programmer that does exactly what I need for less than $500, I also received word-class technical support from their representatives who quickly and readily answered any and all questions I had. I highly recommend this product and the team at Andromeda Research Labs!

Have a good day,

Tory J.
WV PLC Repair

Thanks. I got a ZIF on order. Once again, your programmer came through when no other one on the market could keep up.

Hello, My name is Michael Frothingham and I work for Frothingham Electronics Corp. in Sanbornville, NH. We are a small family owned and operated manufacturing company and we've been designing and building semiconductor testing equipment since 1979. I'm writing to you because we have a few of your EPROM burners and we've been extremely satisfied and impressed with the product, not only with its reliability and compatibility but also with the ease of use of your software.

Thank you,

Michael Frothingham
Frothingham Electronics Corp.

Dear AR I have one of your universal EEPROM + Programmers and very happy with it.

Kind regards,
Simon A.

I received the programmer and I really liked the way it is put together and works.

Thank you,


Everything worked great, thank you for all your help.

Paul S.

Thanks for the excellent customer service. Unit is back and running.


Brian G.
Thorntronics Inc.
Ontario, Canada

Also program is working great since you helped me get it going on the new computer.
I really appreciate the help.


Anthony C.
Thank you for making the AR-32A.
It is dependable and easy to use.

Sincere Regards,

Dustin J.

Hello Andromeda Research,
I hope you are all well over there. The package was all delivered a few days ago and I have indeed hand a chance to not only experiment with the machine, but also to practically use it.
We often need to read 8 pin serial eeproms on various types of control units, to be able to transfer the data from a faulty control unit over to a previously used but good control unit, and so transfer the factory coding.
Many of the control units can only be programmed once with the main dealer tools we have, making used but good units worthless and not usually a viable option.
Previously we used to have to use a hot air station to unsolder chips and transfer them between units, as the chips could not be read or programmed when installed using a clip on adapter, because the voltage to power the chip would also power up the rest of the device and cause corrupted data.
With the AR32A eeprom reader and the ASERSM1A in-circuit interface, we have been able to read and write these chips without removing them from the board, saving around an hour on every job and avoiding the risks to these fragile boards.

Thank you for this, it has been a game changer for this small but vital part of our work.

Please feel free to publish my comments, as I feel you deserve recognition for your work!

All the best,

Jon Mitchell
Managing Director - JMG Porsche Ltd

Technical advisor - Porsche Club of Great Britain
Technical advisor - The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club

Customer requests assistance

Hi there, so far your system is working great. I can read and write to the tutorial chip you provided just fine. I am having a issue with writing to a 24C16 chip. The paper work that was included says that these are secure. I don't suppose I could ask for some assistance? I am just messing around with a 2013 chevy malibu cluster! Cluster is in good working order. Thank you for your help and your great product
Our response
Hi Jeff, The 24C16 is not secure. Select the part, place the plug in the 24XX position on the ASERSM1A, set the voltage to LV-3.0. Be sure the chip is clean and attach the clip. Go to the buffer editor and press G. See if you get a successful read. If not, set the voltage to 3.6 and retry.
Customer responds
Thank you for your help. I will do what you said. The chip may still have a bit of coating on it. Cleaned it really good but will clean it again!
Followed by
Hey, must of had a bad connection somewhere. Cleaned the pins and reattached the clip and all is well. My first thought was some kind of write encryption. Now its time for fun!!

Thank you for making such great products and the great customer service!

Jeff H.

Customer success story

Hi, just checking but can I clone this VW ME7.1.1 with the kit I bought?
I'm trying to install a used computer in a VW beetle and the IMMO doesn't let it run?
Our response
You can clone any eeprom data from one module to another. I don't know which eeprom part is used in the VW ME7.1.1.
Customer responds
Thanks, I'll open it up!
Followed by
Just wanted to say thanks. I got the ME7.1.1 cloned. Had an 95160 eeprom. It's funny but all the info online, none of it shows you can do it this way. So now I've successfully cloned 4 ECM's and one Saab CIM using your kit!

I recently bought an automotive kit from Andromeda Research to program eeproms and microcontrollers. This little device has made my job so much easier. Tech support is very informative and I can tell they really know their stuff. They walked me through a tutorial on how to program a MC68HC11E9 and it worked flawlessly. I would recommend Andromeda Research to anyone interested in programming automotive eeproms and microcontrollers in circuit.
Thanks to them for the great job they do.

Automotive Computer Repair Service

Hello Andromeda Research,
I've tried many different Programming devices and wish I had known you before wasting so much time and money with other products. Your programming tool and accessories are the most reliable, economical, fast and easy to use. When it comes to your customer service all I can say is that if there were a few more people like you the world will be much better place to live in. I appreciate your products very much and astonished by your customer service.
Thank you so much,

Hamed N.
Auto Tech Assist, Fremont, California

That did it, the file was transferred from the damaged ECU to the salvage unit ok. All I had to do was synch the immobilizing aka EWS system with engine ECU.
Thank you so much.


Your HC11 series programmer is excellent- it gives me even more than I expected- for example MC68HC11K4 in-circuit programming. Special thanks for it.

Best Regards,

Hello, Andromeda Research. Good news!!
We changed the items you suggested and it works.
Many thanks for your support.

GENIUS airbagrecycling BV
The Netherlands

Best regards from Holland,


Your product is a lifesaver. I was able to successfully pull the data off of the chip in a Jeep cluster and put it on another one.
Just wanted to tell you how good I thought your product was.

Ryan N.
General Manager

Hi. I have your tool. It works great!


Hi. I’ve been using your automotive kit for programming eeprom and mcu for a while now and it works great.



The ARLABS Programer and software are very easy to understand and use. The tutorial spells it out word for word and once I did it a few times it was I was amazed on how simple it was! After determining what eeprom you are dealing with it is only a few steps. The phone support was the best I have ever had with any product or software and, have even reached them on a Saturday. The biggest challenge I have had was over thinking.
P.S I had know idea what an eeprom was before the speedo shop bought this programer.

K. Pearce, Speedometer Tech, OK

I received the KBC-1 kit, no problems. After connecting the power supply, I started with the very impressive tutorial.
It all works great.

Best regards,

Sal D. Australia

I have purchased your automotive kit#2 and have been using it for more than 5 years. An excellent product.

Kind Regards,

Manolis A. Australia
Hello, We just recently purchased the AUTOMOTIVE KIT#1 from you guys, and I am blown away by how much detail is in your tutorial.
It is written step by step, and you guys have made it impossible to not understand it!
Thank you very much!

Office Manager,

Hi, I've been recently expanding the reach of my company's programming/rework for automotive applications. Just letting you know that I have had tons of pleasure and success with your system already and I am very pleased with the (AR-32A) unit.

Wing Diagnostics and Consulting, Inc.
Hi my name is Quinton and I work for Southern Electronics in Richmond, Va. I have been a Cluster Technician for about 2 years and am now getting into the programming aspect of instrument clusters for automobiles. I love working with this unit. For the moment I am having to create the mileage in another program and then reloading it into this unit. I really just would like to know how you are able to decipher the information inside the program file. Any leads in the right direction will be very much appreciated.
Best Regards,
Cluster Technician

Got another laptop and system is working fine. Regarding removing crash data using librarian templates, I completed the exercise. It was easy actually.
I'll have more questions for u when I start programming :)

Thank u for your help.

Letting you know that I'm very satisfied with your service. You have been very kind, patience and helpful.
I even program 2 Airbag modules and fixed 1 odometer, these were from a couple of friends which I used as Lab Rats (ja, ja, ja,Kidding), so I can practice.
Best Regards,
Servio C.

First of all I want to say Im very happy with the Andromeda research eprom and microcontroller reader.
Im working now one month with the andromeda research and i have readed allot of eproms and I already cleared some crashdata of airbags.
And readed some car ecu's. The programmers works good with relaible connection with the chip.
And i have already learned to use the templates to erase crash data.

Many regards,
Hassan B.
HB Automotive-Electronics

I receive my order for automotive kit#2 and have fun to appropriate this.


Guillame B.
Les Services Mécaniques

I just wanted to thank you for your product and support. I run a large Lexus dealership in Los Angeles and purchased the locksmith kit because Lexus terminated their ECU replacement program, when our guests who lose all the keys they have for their immobilizer system cars. We have programmed quite a few ECUs now and have had zero problems. I initially had some set-up problems because of the security on my PC at work but eventually got the system to work flawlessly. This is a quick and simple alternative to calling an outside service. I sent email to ARLABS and had a phone message waiting the next morning. I don’t usually get phone call responses from email which further impressed me. There is some reading involved, but it was all worth the time spent.
I have recommended this to several other dealers and would not hesitate to purchase the system again.

Best regards,
Mark B.
Lexus Dealer in Los Angeles

I received my automotive kit yesterday and been piddling and learning the tutorial. I found the little chip attached to the tutorial, I thought it was a picture at
first lol. What a Gem of a tool! The software is something else too! So after my familiarization, I had an epiphany; this piece of equipment supports quite a
number of "chips."

Anyway, Thanks. I've got a couple things to reprogram!


My name is Adel. I want to thank you. I changed my life to the best when I use your kit #1 to do airbag modules.


The The machine works great; been using it for a week now and learning everything about it.


Kevin, SAAB Specialist

I really appreciate the time and help you gave me, I bought the automotive kit and it works awesome.



Hi. I bought your automotive kit #1 couple of years ago and I’m very happy with it. Now I’m wondering if this programmer can read and write 68HC908AS60 mcu and can it find SS for it? If this is possible what should I get to upgrade my kit to be able to read and write that mcu?



RESULT: Oliver purchased the ACOM2 adapter which upgrades Automotive Kit#1 to Kit#2. This allows him to read the 68HC908AS60 part.
Hello, Kindly be informed that I have done the (serial eeprom tutorial) more than a time, I am very familiar with IO device now. it is really easy to learn how to use the IO device, it can do many things its a great device.

Best Regards,

Mohamed K.
Automotive Technician,

Hi, I've been using automotive kit for some weeks now and I'm very impressed. It works perfect and very fast.


Hi.I bought your automotive kit #1 couple of years ago and I’m very happy with it.


| S | 12015 Canter Ln, Reston VA 20191-2129
| A | Office 703.860.0060, 703.860.1766


I thought you might like to know how valuable your AR-32 EEPROM Programmer is as applied to forensic engineering with respect to automobile event data recorders. I encountered your AR-32 device, after I had tried three other purported EEPROM readers, each having significant shortcomings and producing no-reads, distorted reads, and/or forcing a data change in the reading process [because of self-diagnostics inherent in a power-up condition]. Then, with my associate, I used your AR-32 to accomplish power-off PCB in-circuit reads at voltages below that which activate ancillary logic, thus saving any self-diagnostic data alterations. Let me explain a bit further. In the field of automobile event data recorders [EDR], it is the non-volatile ECU memory data that is the primary evidentiary data for investigators. There are basically two modes of retrieving such data.

Mode 1 is a DPID and/or hexadecimal retrieval obtained through the serial data diagnostic [network or direct] interface to the EDR [typically, the SRS ECU]. There are many serial network interface devices to do this, and I have done this quite successfully, but starting in 2002-2004, manufacturers & suppliers started protecting serial data access to raw hexadecimal data with advanced security features. The residual DPID data, still available, does not in general contain acceleration and other detailed data that may be important in an investigation.

Mode 2 is the retrieval of [raw hexadecimal-formatted] data via the direct-EEPROM retrieval technique. This typically means attaching an 8-pin IC contact clips to the in-situ EEPROM device terminals [SOIC8 package] and using an EEPROM program/read device to retrieve that data. The most successful such device is an Andromeda AR-32 and that is the device we use. Based on dozens of examples, because it uses a power-off method, the data retrieval using the AR-32 technique does not change any original data. Additionally, the above mentioned security issues do not apply to the direct-EEPROM retrieval technique.
Another factor is the real-time assistance provided by Andromeda Research with respect to unusually-marked devices. This has saved me immeasurable debug hours in our business.

All of this means that the AR-32 has been applied very successfully in our analyses of automobile crash event data for vehicles from Domestic, European, and Asian Manufacturers.

Thank you for this product.

Yours very truly,

Bill R.

To view our in-circuit product in use click this link ( then scroll down.
Dear Andromeda Research,
A couple of months ago I purchased your Body Controller module Kit#2. Thus far I have only been using the ASERSM1A for reading automotive airbag EEPROMs. I am very pleased with its ease of use and functionality.
Best regards,

Automotive Digital Forensic Analyst
PC Forensics | 36 Cygnet Court, Timothy's Bridge Road, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9NW | United Kingdom
PC Forensics           Phone Forensics           Cell Site Analysis           SatNav Analysis


All under control. Bought an HP machine and everything fell into place. Went through the tutorials and practised on a airbag controller with success. I like the info on VW security code. That's always been a pain not being able to do the keys or any security. Any suggestions on forums etc to keep up to date with vehicle info?

Thanks again,

Allens Electrical

I used your great programmers many years. I'm so lucky with it. And thank you so much for your really quick support. Now I going to buy additional the automotive and locksmith kits. Could you please list the Vehicle Application List for both kits.
Thank you so much for your business

I have just got around to using the Eprom+, and I am delighted with its performance and simplicity.

Thank you for your excellent service and a great product.

Rob McBrien
Bee-Ems Car Service Centre
Sydney, Australia

I received my automotive kit yesterday and been piddling and learning the tutorial. I found the little chip attached to the tutorial, I thought it was a picture at first lol. What a Gem of a tool! The software is something else too! So after my familiarization, I had an epiphany; this piece of equipment supports quite a number of "chips."

Anyway, Thanks. I've got a couple things to reprogram!


My name is Adel. I want to thank you. I changed my life to the best when I use your kit #1 to do airbag modules.


The customer received it back. They installed the used donor Ecu. A new one cost $1000.00 to replace. The used one flashed by me was less than $200.
Hi, I sorted out already and i love this stuff, done 5 engine ecu and its perfect for my workshop.


Roderick T.

I would like to thank you guys for the great tech support and for the patience to explain me step by step how to operate the great device (AR-32A) you developed for locksmiths. Yesterday I went to help a friend that got stuck with Delco ECU and the AR32A read and flashed it in no time. That's what I call success.

I would like to wish you and your family happy thanksgiving.

Al S.
A Beltway Locksmith
Washington DC

Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I'm just getting into this and have no real help. I did a Toyota Avalon last night with the ar32 and it worked great.
I also really love the interface / software you have.

Thanks again,

Brandon N
Kwik Key

Hey it's Jonathan,
I just had some free time this morning and wanted to send you a quick email. I sure do appreciate you building this wonderful "Instrument".
Me and the wife removed a type 1 module from 2000 Jeep Wrangler "24C02" last Friday. Was a complete success thanks to AR32.
We had a working key for customer next morning.

I'm actually quite thrilled at how fast, precise and effective the whole system operates. It's incredible. Let me be honest and say I was very intimidated when the owner's manual first arrived with this tool but after booting the software and navigating around I'm thoroughly impressed. It's quite flawless. Didn't take no time in gaining confidence with this "Instrument".
Thanks for being a wonderful help in our Locksmith business!
May the Lord continue to bless you and I'm amped for purchasing Micro grabber kit in the near future.

Have a great week my friend.

The Key Keeper

Dear Sir,
I appreciate and thanks very much for your powerfull eprom equipment and hi educational eeprom Material and software to offering to field of locksmith.
I would like to up date my locksmith kit # 1 to kit #2. Would you please let me know what tools or adapter and education book I should order.

Best Regards,

Thank you for all of your help lately. I have been reading and programming BMW’s daily now. I have found the AR-32 far superior to anything else I have attempted to use. To think that I have had it for all these years and had no idea it was so great.

Thanks so much,

Christopher R.
Professional Locksmith

Thanks for your reply. My buddy Mike recently purchased your Locksmith Kit#2 and told me how impressed he is with the kit.
I look forward to doing business with you.

Thank you,

I wish I had known about ar32 before now..thanks. I was able to read a 93c56 in circuit yesterday on a job without having to take
off the chip. Made the job much faster. I will be buying all the attachments that I need..again...thanks
I'm from Lock Doctors in Akron, OH. Just wanted to say thanks for your help with your product among other things.
Been studying and learning this new opportunity for my business! Hope you have a happy holiday!

To start with I just want to say thanks for all your help. Your after sales service/help is fantastic. I will be recommending that other locksmiths buy a programmer from you .


Adam - Adam's Coffs Coast Locksmiths


I received the Subaru BIU probe set and it works beautifully with the soft and hardware I have. I’m on software version 6.0F.

Thank you!

Jay B.
(Automotive Locksmith)

On a side note, the Subaru BIU probe set is spot on! Works perfectly.

Thank you,

Bill B.
Lock & Safe Technician

I had a 98 Toyota Camry with the Delco ECU that needed the eeprom reflashed. I called customer support and he helped me go through the procedure to do that. He gave clear instuctions on how to connect the probe set to the adapter and it worked great.
Very satisfied with the Great Customer Service. Highly Recommend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great to do Business with you.


Terry - (Automotive Locksmith)

Thank you for the help Monday with the 2008 Sienna. As I mentioned on the phone, it turns out that the chip that contains the data telling the ECU to look or not look for a Immobilizer ICU is a RA86 chip located at address IC201 on the board. Reading the data from the original ECU and writing it to the donor ECU allowed the vehicle to start up. The file is 2048 bytes and contains the VIN for those with a external ICU, and the VIN with additional data for those without an external ICU. The additional data looks like key data. I suspect that it exists to fake the ECU into not searching for an external ICU.

Thanks again,

Jim P. - (Automotive Locksmith)

All under control. Bought an HP machine and everything fell into place. Went through the tutorials and practised on a airbag controller with success. I like the info on VW security code. That's always been a pain not being able to do the keys or any security. Any suggestions on forums etc to keep up to date with vehicle info?

Thanks again,

Allens Electrical

I purchased the Body Controller Module Kit #2(KBC-2) a few years ago and I'm quite happy with it. I would like to place an order for one SMCP8 and one PPS8; I can do this through the online store if needed.When I ordered the KBC-2, I already had a dedicated Toyota/Honda 'flasher', so I didn't inquire about the possibility of getting the Blue chip files and software. Now I realize that I could use a backup unit.
Thanks for your help and your great products!

Adam T., AJT Lock & Key LLC

Hi! I bought an ar32a with module kit 2 about a year ago. Unit works good. I am a locksmith and the unit works for what I need it for, but I am interested in learning how to fix automotive clusters.
I believe that the AR32A is the best EEPROM reading machine in the automotive industry. I have sent numerous locksmiths to you for your system because I know that they will be happy with it.

Thank you again,
Steve S.

I'm an automotive locksmith and avid EEPROM reader. I have several options of reading devices available to me personally but I have recently started a company offering tools that program transponders to vehicles via EEPROM dumps. There is one vehicle in particular that has the 28F400B device and its the only one stateside that requires a locksmith a read a 28F. Is it possible to read this device, erase and then program with an edited dump?
I browsed the data sheet of this device and it states the maximum voltage is 12V with a 5% sway. The AR labs device I use to read this device uses a 12V power supply and all functions requested above operate very smoothly. Most of the immobilizers we deal with are serial devices. (93xxx 24xxx).
We also do a good bit of micro controllers.

RESULT: This customer purchased the ASOIC44/M8 adapter which added support for the 28F and 29F series parts.

I got every thing to work with the SAAB twice module. Thanks a lot for your patience and help.


Just to follow up, reinstalled software, followed your instructions, found the librarian, and everything is great!
What a difference between the old and the new as far as procedures go, very nice additions.
Thank you again!

Todd H.
ALCATRAZ Locksmith

Thank you very much for the great help and the professional guiding!!! AR Labs - you guys are awesome!!!!! You have me as a customer for life!!!!
Please consider opening a Facebook page. I promise you that you'll really see how many fans you have!!! Big names in the automotive Locksmith industry talk only good about you guys!!!

My name is Robert Todd and I am the owner of Car Keys Direct in Sacramento, CA. I own 3 AR32A programmers from AR Labs...for a reason! I want to personally thank them for their professional, patient and knowledgeable support. Regardless of the reason for my need to contact AR Labs, they always have answers and take the time needed to make sure you can complete your job. Their tools have never let me down or a customer without a key. Any locksmith looking to get in to re-flashing should look at no other device. This will do everything any other programmer can do PLUS more and with their customer support in our corner you will always get the job done.

Thank you again from us here at Car Keys Direct!
Hi, Your kit finally arrived after being held up at Customs. Have done 2 toyotas successfully, working on another now. Still lots of learning to do, as don't get many chances to practise, although that is changing. Seem to be averaging 1 lost vehicle key job a week, so expect more. After the initial, this is too scarey, I got your unit up and running and am very happy with it.


Wayne S. Thames Mobile Locksmith United Kingdom

Thanks for all your help, repairing my ACOM2, and the good customer service. It's nice to know there are still people who stand behind their product.

Jeff P. Gene's Lock and Key,
Colorado Springs, CO

Hello, Locksmith Kit#2 arrived. The tutorial is fantastic and very detailed. You guys are a great company; fantastic customer service.


Khalil (Automotive Locksmith)
Hi just wanted to send you a quick thank-you email. I called your tech support a few days ago with a board in front of me and y'all were very helpful. The only problem was cleaning the contact areas sufficiently. Once it was properly mounted, it worked perfectly. I really appreciate the help and the new software is very good, the addition of the librarian is excellent.

Thanks, keep up the good work!

Joe M.
Automotive Locksmith

Thank you again. I will surely refer ALL of your products to our MANY locksmith connections. Over 10 which are NOT direct competition and, also, later, even our direct competition later because, they will have to learn the learning curve, which we will apparently not share. Because, you have been more than fair and helpful to us and, our competition is not your fault. We blow them away daily because, we are faster and also, less expensive. Lol.

Thanks again for all your help.

Jon CarLocks USA llc
Hi! Thanks for the help today with the re-flash! It's not the first time I have called expecting a voicemail like your competitor's tech support only to be pleasantly surprised to hear a human (and this was on a Saturday!). You saved my tail in what I figured I would have to postpone to Monday. I am so glad I bought the AR32, not just for the hardware, but the unmatched (and patient) tech support.

Thanks again!

Val Tapia
Tapia Locksmith

I have been learning your system all day and the tutorial is very good. Lots of info for sure.

Thank you.

Automotive Locksmith

Thanks for the help! I just purchased the needed items.
I've had the AR-32A for years now. Works great!


Johnny, Action Lock

I got every thing to work with the SAAB twice module. Thanks a lot for your patience and help.


Just to follow up, reinstalled software, followed your instructions, found the librarian, and everything is great!
What a difference between the old and the new as far as procedures go, very nice additions.
Thank you again!

Todd H.
ALCATRAZ Locksmith

I must say the professionalism and the quick response of you solidified my decision to purchase. I bought an Automotive Kit#1 package Saturday evening with next day shipping.

Thanks for your time.


Automotive Locksmith


Hello.  My name is Paul Sanchez.  I work for Toshbia Business Solutions of Colorado, formerly known as Copy Concepts Inc.  We have purchased two Field Kits from you this past year. First off, they are great products. It allows us to update our copiers and keep them to a standard that Toshiba requires. It also eliminates the need to order new roms everytime Toshiba updates their copiers, which saves us money.

Thanks again for a great product.  I recommend you to other Toshiba dealers througout the USA and hopefully they are listening.  Thanks again.

Paul Sanchez /MCP, Toshiba Business Solutions of Colorado

Dear Andromeda Research,

Thank you for having such a versatile product! Not only can we do standard EPROMS with ease, having the SHARP flashrom adapter has made my job even easier. No more yanking the flywheel off and various other components to access the SCSI connector. Now all I have to do is pop in a new set of flashroms (about 5 minutes) and we're off and running again. It's really hard to believe in this day and age that one product can be used in so many different ways. Keep up the good work, you have an outstanding item!!

Thanks Again,

Ron Schemrich, Wooster Office Equipment 

Hi. I just wanted to drop you an email to tell you how much time and money the EPROM+ system has saved our company. I have been burning eproms for several years now with a different burner and I can't believe how much easier and more effecient your unit is. I burn Sharp copier flash roms and Sharp copier eproms along with Sharp fax eproms. I never use to be able to burn the flash rom unless you had another copier around and a laptop and it was quite the hassle. Now all I do is use your flash rom adapter and away I go. Nothing to it. Also with the Sharp faxes I used to have to convert files from Hex to binary and now with your system I don't have to do that either. I highly recommend to any copier and or fax dealer to purchase this product. It is money well spent. Also the support that you have given us has been great. Keep up the good work.


Chris Yaney, Service Support Manager, Allen Business Machines Co. Inc.


Dear Andromeda Research Labs,

Our Northeastern region, based in New Jersey, has previously purchased a ROM burner/eraser from your company.
That is how I became aware of your company.  Since that time, I recommended ARLabs to one of our Toshiba authorized
dealers who called your company, and eventually purchased a ROM Burner/eraser with chip/jigs specifically for Toshiba products.
The kit was approximately $435 and our dealer was very satisfied.

I plan to refer all our dealers to your web site when they require ROM burners.

Thank you very much

Michael Bellamy
Color Network Engineer
Toshiba America Business Solutions
2 Musick
Irvine, California  92618

Hi. I received my programmer last week. I just got finished using it and it works flawlessly.
This will turn out to be well worth the investment. Can't thank you enough for the help and support you've given.


Lee D.
VP Service
United Business Systems

I have received the Canon Boot Rom Kit#1 on Saturday. It is working well.
Thank you and best regards,

Jack Ng

I am N.R. from India. I already purchase Eprom+ system & adaptors for Canon machines. I am fully satisfaction with your products.
Now I want to purchase one more Boot Rom programmer and adapters. Please contact me.


N.R. India

Good Morning,
I purchased a AR-32A programming unit and Canon Flash Rom Adapter (ACDM72A) a couple of years ago.
The unit has been invaluable in making boot roms for the Canon IR Series copiers.

Thank you,

Dave G., Canon Copier Dealer, Australia

Dear Sir,
Good Day to you. I bought a set of programmer for Canon copier from your company about 3 years back, and it is wonderful,
i can do almost all the programming i need with the programmer. Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,

Alan, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Good day,
I 'm glad to inform you that at last I manage to get the right formula to edit and program the IC. Is real challenging and fun to get it solved.
Any way I have to sincerely to thank you very much for your support and information. You are very helpful. My next project will involved
with a newer model to convert a U send feature. Again if I need your advice I will contact you by e-mail.
Last but not least thank you again for your co-operation.

Best Regards,

Vincent (Canon Copier Technician), Malaysia

Thanks for your guidance. I have programmed successfully, more than one thousand set of counter and serial pcb of various canon digital model.
I am ready to take all your future advancement regarding canon copier applications.


Rajesh K.
I've owned one of your Canon systems for quite a while and I'm extremely happy with it.



I purchased a AR-32A programming kit a number of years ago which has worked perfectly and still does to this day.
We use it solely for reprogramming the Boot Rom and Serial Counter boards for the Canon Copiers.


Dave, Canon Copier Specialist, Australia
Once again let me thank you for your professionalism.
Unlike my old supplier, the words "after sales service" do not exist with them.

Barry (Canon Copier Dealer), United Kingdom
I am an extremely satisfied user of one of your Model AR-32A units that we have used over the past twelve years to burn EPROMS for all of our Toshiba Office equipment. It’s still working fine.


Jason B.,
VP of Tech Services
Authorized Dealer for TOSHIBA & KYOCERA
Portland Computer Copy Inc
Received the shipment and the programming unit works fine.
Thank you,

Best regards,


We have used your canon counter/boot rom kit and its going well. Please check attached photo for support of HP4345 series.

K. Ssuriyan,
Replikka Madurai.

How are you?
I glad to tell you that your andromeda memory programer very helpfull to to copy Canon ir5000 boot rom.

Thank you & best regards,

Hendrikus G.

Thanks for the reply.  I programmed a different chip and it worked.  Thanks for all of your help.
I'm glad there is a way to use your burner on the new flashroms for the "Tiger" series.  I love your product and even more so, the support.
Thanks again and have a great day!


Dear Andromeda Research,
Canon programmer is amazing, works very good. :)

JSC, Lithuania

I visited your site recently and am quite intrested with your bios kit. Since I have the programmer I want to make this bios thing a hobby, maybe help my friends out with their dead BIOS.

I have also used the programmer on XP, the programming speed substatially increased. Thank you. Wish you all the best to the growth of your company. I have compared many programmers with your price and the services they provide, like custom adapters. Andromeda is the best, keep the good work going.
I find find your product really useful. I use it mainly on changing copier's languages and some flash failures.

Warmest regards,

How are you?
I glad to tell you that your andromeda memory programer very helpfull to to copy Canon ir5000 boot rom.

Thank you & best regards,

Hendrikus G.

We recently bought to your company the Canon kit#3 and everything work ok and we are glad with the product.
We complete the tutorial and everything is right.

Thanks for all,

Filipe M.
Moreira e VilaVerde,

We recently bought to your company the Canon kit#3 and everything work ok and we are glad with the product.
We complete the tutorial and everything is right.

Thanks for all,

Filipe M.
Moreira e VilaVerde,

Hi. I purchased your Bios Repair Kit about a year and a half ago and just checked back. Just wanted to say this is a fantastic product that has paid for itself over and over again. It saves me lost productivity and has let me upgrade the bios of several different types of machines with extreme confidence. Knowing the BIOS repair kit is at my disposal allows me to experiment with new bios versions without worrying if something goes wrong. Bios upgrades from motherboard manufacturers don’t always go as planned and your kit keeps me from having to deal with poor technical support and having to buy new bios chips from them or having to send mine back to them for replacement. Updates of the software and your continued support for the product, is outstanding. At first, I thought that I would always have to “upgrade” my unit to get support for newer chips. After a year and a half, you haven’t left me with an obsolete product…it’s still as good as it was when I bought it.

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Cornelius Mendoza

Retro-Computing / First Generation Microprocessor Products

Hi, Just to say that I am extremely grateful for your very kind and thoughtful gesture of including a programmed 2708 EPROM as a dry run along with the EPROM+ which arrived today. I had the system running within minutes. After successfully reading your test EPROM I managed to read the extremely precious IPL ROM on the GDS’s IMS8000 Computer I/O card, save it out, and make a copy of it on your 2708 after blanking it. The IMS8000 computer is indeed booting and running from the newly programmed ROM. I love the way the stand alone software CD boots and runs on PCs – a nice bit of lateral thinking and it’s great to press a laptop into action for a good purpose. Very many thanks again for helping to support a large and increasingly poorly supported community of engineers who have to work hard to keep older and often valuable legacy equipment in the land of the living. I will recommend your product to fellow synth engineers around the globe.

Best Regards,

Dan W., Sound Designer, Vintage Synth Specialist & Synth Engineer for Will Gregory (Goldfrapp)

Dear ARLabs,
I bought your Eprom+ programmer and the bipolar prom adapter card via your site and they arrived safely this week. I have had a chance to examine and digest the comprehensive manual and specific Bipolar prom information and even test out some blank 82S123 chips all of which has worked perfectly. I can now see how the jumper situation works thanks to you and will get in some DIP units to make up the jumpers for the 82s129's. I'm sure various other HELP based questions will arise along the way so thanks for your patience. There seem to be a lot of early computer game and slot machine etc enthusiasts all over Europe who have needs for reprogramming old PROM chips and your programmer specification is so good I will put the word out.

Best wishes,


James Richardson-Jones ( Director)
The Duplex Pipe Organ and Blower Company Ltd.
United Kingdom

As promised, I have finally gotten around to purchasing one of your BPROM adaptors as I now have a poorly 1982 NED Synclavier II in which is full of them and I’d like to make images of all of them. I just wanted to say that your EPROM+ programmer has been worth its weight in gold. The restored GDS synthesizer ended up selling to a famous music producer in the US for a 5 figure sum. The unit has saved my bacon several times now especially for programming old three rail 2708 EPROMS which so many modern programmers won’t touch. This recently included a valuable old Oberheim OB-X synth. As time marches on and most manufacturers drop support for old technology is it really great to see someone still supporting it – just perfect for the retrocomputing, retro arcade and vintage synth scenes and I have tried to communicate this to others.

Best Regards,

Dan W.
Sound Designer,
Vintage Synth Specialist & Synth Engineer

AR32A and the ABIP Adapter

Programming a Signetics SN82S147. What follows is my interaction with the software:
1) Press <2>
Success! Remove device. Label device! Everything went smoothly.
Thank you for this lovely programmer. I will find a nice safe case for the ABIP, as I will use in infrequently and I want it to be findable and in working order when it is needed. The AR32-A will get used frequently.
Again, thank you!


Dustin J.
El Cerrito, CA

Have just received the programmer and everything works sweet!! Did a test run of read/compare/save/uv erase/write on a Deutsch U555 [2708 eprom].
I’m using my trusty Gateway laptop as the host. Thanks for making this programmer available which can handle those pesky tri-voltage chips.


FTL Technologies
Perth, Western Australia

I want to thank you for all your help getting me setup on the new computer. I talked to your tech a few times today and he was very patient about walking me through the steps. Have had this unit since the 90's and you have always been right there to help!! This has been a workhorse.

Scott H.
Pinball & Amusement Services
Serving the west coast of Florida

As an electronic engineer by trade and still stuck in 80's technology since I graduated college, The Eprom Plus Programmer is the best programmer I have used period. I repair and design boards for pinball and arcade machines. I also have numerous other "USB" programmers due to some machines without an expansion port, but in the end I use an ExpressCard interface so I could program with your programmer. I also program the dreaded Texas Instruments non standard TMS2716 with the tri voltage. Your adapter makes programming these a snap. I also program TMS2532's which also program with no problems using your unit. The USB units I have tried have not been able to program these correctly even though they claim they do. I think speed is an issue. Their units program them too fast where your unit programs like they were in the 80's. Please keep offering this product. I just bought another one to keep as a spare.

Jeff McAfee,
President Classic Arcades Inc.

I purchased one of your EPROM+ systems in May 2014 and have been very pleased with it's capabilities and performance - thank you.
I have recently visited your website as I am now looking for an adapter to program some bipolar proms.
74S188 (32 x 8 Open Collector), 74S287 (256 x 4 Tri-State), 82S23 (32 x 8 Open Collector), 82S129, (256 x 4 Tri-State)
Am I correct in thinking that the above are supported by your BIPOLAR PROM ADAPTER Part #ABIP?
I'm restoring some old computer kits as you may have already guessed.

Yours sincerely,

Richard M.
United Kingdom

NOTE: The ABIP adapter supports the parts required by the customer
AccuTouch Probe

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for suggesting the Accutouch probe. It has saved me a ton of time and works flawlessly every time. Well worth the money.

Mark B.
Service Manager, Lexus Dealer

I would like to thank Andromeda Research for their AccuTouch Probe. Before I purchased it, I was replacing my Pomona clip every few months. Since I've started using the probe, I have NOT replaced one clip. I have more than paid for the probe in the cost I would have spent replacing the blue clips. Not only the cost, but the ease of use is MUCH EASIER, it use to take at least 2 to 5 attempts to read a chip; now it is very rare that I can't read it on the FIRST attempt. In addition to that, I don't have to spend as much time cleaning the sealant off the chips. In conclusion, the AccuTouch Probe has saved me money, but more importantly it has saved me time. Thank you AR Labs!

Clifton T. AACR Locksmith
Posted on
Thread: arlabs new accutouch probe works great
Hey group i have recently got the arlabs accutouch probe and i must say this works great.
Awesome for hard to get areas with the clip.

The AccuTouch Probe is the best! Definitely gets a solid contact with the eprom legs, its damn near guaranteed. Well worth the purchase, a necessary time saver.

Ryan K.
Precision Probe Set

The precision probe set is great. I was skeptical they could be that small but they work as advertised.



Logic/Test Probe

Hi. The Logic/Test probe works great, this tool is a life saver! It also works to isolate problematic pins on a EEPROM chips.

Hi John, Thanks for the prompt reply. I originally read the eeprom as 93c86-8 bit in circuit at 3.0 volts and the tango recognised the file and could provide the pin and identify the key I had so I'm confident the read was good. I updated the software and loaded the modified file at 3.6 volts and got the much wanted green zero errors message. Fingers crossed its all good when I plug the kessy unit back in, I was super worried but I was pretty sure I was ok because the tango recognised the file, just couldnt reload it. Thanks for you time and assistance, I think you do fantastic work. If I ever make it to your side of the planet again I'll buy you a drink. Thanks mate, youre a life saver.

Received the laptop today and it is up and running good.

Todd H.
GM Gauge Repair

Tried the SPI board over the weekend. Very slick. I experimented with different OSs. It seems that Windows 7 32bit was the most stable. Still learning the tool. It is impressive that many memory types can be read on-board. The other programmers I have require removal of the memory.

Best regards,


Your product won again. I had a customer with a bad Subaru BIU. I was able to clone the contents of the EEPROM and move to a donor part. What I am wondering is how to interpret the HEX data into making a key? Is this something you have and can share?

Thank you,

Mike C.
Good morning,

A couple years ago I bought a few things from you to add to my Automotive Kit. The system continues to be a wonder machine.
I have a question. I need to do a US to Canada conversation; miles to kilometres. Would you have some tips on that regarding the country codes. I did that eeprom course that came with the kit which was great but I'm not sure where the conversion codes are stored.

Thank you,

Veer D.
That did it, thanks so much. I've had you unit for a good while and just purchased the ACOM2, I'm starting to do automotive ecm cloning and programming, I have a tool for making mercedes keys but needed something for the computers.

Thanks again,
