read device into buffer
This command allows you to read a device(s) into the buffer for viewing, editing, programming or saving. In its primary form, the command will read a single device into the buffer beginning at buffer address 0.

Command Options

1. User defined load address - This option allows you to specify the buffer address where the data from the device will be loaded.

2. Read user defined zone - This option allows you to specify a specific zone (range of device addresses) to be read into the buffer. You may also specify where the data is to be loaded.

3. 16 bit data path - This option allows you to read individual odd and even memory parts from 16 bit machines and recombine the data from each into contiguous bytes in the system buffer.

4. 32 bit data path - This option allows you to read individual (0, 1, 2, 3) byte oriented memory parts from a 32 bit machine and recombine the data from each into contiguous bytes in the system buffer.

5. Read series of devices - This option allows you to read a series of devices into the buffer beginning at address 0. You specify the number of devices in the series you wish to read. As you insert each device, the system will read the device contents into the buffer at the address following the previous device. Example: Assume you have four 2764 eproms from a board. You wish to sequentially load the entire series into the buffer for editing. With this option you specify that you wish to read 4 devices. The system will read each part and load it sequentially into the buffer.